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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - elevate


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  hopes возбуждать надежды ELEVATE the voice повышать голос ELEVATE v.  1) поднимать, повышать - elevate hopes - elevate the voice  2) повышать (по службе) (to) The Queen rewarded the Minister for years of faithful service by elevating him to the House of Lords.  3) облагораживать, улучшать to elevate the mind - расширять кругозор; облагораживать ум  4) mil. придавать угол возвышения (орудию) Syn: see raise ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. возвышенный 2. повышать (в должности); возводить (в какое-л. звание) to elevate to dukedom —- возводить в герцогское достоинство to be elevated in rank for bravery —- быть повышенным в звании за отвагу 3. поднимать; повышать to elevate the voice —- повышать голос to elevate eyebrows —- преим. ирон. поднимать брови 4. повышать, развивать to elevate the standards of taste —- развивать вкус to elevate the mind —- расширять кругозор, облагораживать ум a kind of sorrow that elevates —- возвышающая (облагораживающая) скорбь 5. возбуждать, поднимать настроение 6. воен. придавать угол возвышения (орудию) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  поднимать(ся); повышать(ся); возвышать(ся) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v.tr. 1 bring to a higher position. 2 Eccl. hold up (the Host or the chalice) for adoration. 3 raise, lift (one's eyes etc.). 4 raise the axis of (a gun). 5 raise (a railway etc.) above ground level. 6 exalt in rank etc. 7 (usu. as elevated adj.) raise morally or intellectually (elevated style). 8 (as elevated adj.) colloq. slightly drunk. Derivatives elevatory adj. Etymology: L elevare raise (as E-, levis light) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 14th century archaic ~d  II. verb  (-vated; -vating)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin elevatus, past participle of elevare, from e- + levare to raise — more at lever  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to lift up or make higher ; raise ~ a patient's leg exercises that ~ the heart rate  2. to raise in rank or status was ~d to chairman  3. to improve morally, intellectually, or culturally great books that both entertain and ~ their readers  4. to raise the spirits of ; elate  intransitive verb to become ~d ; rise his voice ~d to a shout  Synonyms: see lift ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (elevates, elevating, elevated) 1. When someone or something achieves a more important rank or status, you can say that they are elevated to it. (FORMAL) He was elevated to the post of prime minister. = promote VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n • elevation The Prime Minister is known to favour the elevation of more women to the Cabinet... N-UNCOUNT: usu with poss, N to n 2. If you elevate something to a higher status, you consider it to be better or more important than it really is. Don’t elevate your superiors to superstar status. VERB: V n to n 3. To elevate something means to increase it in amount or intensity. (FORMAL) Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure. ...overweight individuals who have elevated cholesterol levels. = raise VERB: V n, V-ed 4. If you elevate something, you raise it above a horizontal level. (FORMAL) Jack elevated the gun at the sky. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 formal to give someone or something a more important rank or position than they had before  (Both were later elevated to positions of authority.) 2 formal to make someone feel happier and more sensitive  (The beautiful countryside was enough to elevate her spirits.) 3 to improve something or make it more important  (in Japan, where just-in-time delivery has been elevated to an art form) 4 technical to lift someone or something to a higher position  (Elevate the leg.) 5 technical to increase the amount, temperature, pressure etc of something  (These drugs may elevate acid levels in the blood.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 15c., from L. elevatus, pp. of elevare "lift up, raise," from ex- "out" + levare "lighten, raise," from levis "light." Elevator in the mechanical sense is from 1825, originally for grain. Elevator music is from 1970s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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